Student safety and security at school, at school events, and
during school/activity transportation are top priorities of the Board of
Education, Administration, Faculty and Staff in USD 331 Kingman-Norwich. A review of emergency operations plans is
done for the entire staff each year and in my back-to-school remarks, I always
address how students cannot learn if they do not feel safe. Since coming to USD
331, the following are some of the safety and security measures put into place:
- · A district-wide vulnerability study was completed by the Kansas Department of Homeland Security/Emergency Management/Kansas Center for Safe and Prepared Schools
- · Each building has an updated Emergency Operations Plan (also known as a crisis plan) and each classroom teacher has a copy, receives ongoing training and copies are being expanded to include bus drivers and others who have student responsibilities
- · Each classroom teacher has a “classroom crisis kit” containing essential items for a class of students in case of emergency teachers
- · Building crisis kits (expanded version of the classroom kit) are being assembled for each building
- · Updated evacuation and relocation plans have been implemented
- · An expanded video surveillance system has been installed in and on the outside of each building
- · Radio systems including buses have been updated to meet new FCC requirements but now provide county-wide coverage and additional radios were purchased for buildings
- · Working with Emergency Management, all school employees have a picture ID badge which doubles as a key for building access
- · Access controlled doors have been installed at all buildings that provide a video and audio check-in system for visitors - access can be limited or denied if deemed appropriate by the administration which may include school activities
- · Emergency personnel throughout the county have access to the buildings in case of emergency
- · Fencing has been put up around all electrical/gas to protect against intentional or accidental damage
- · Fencing was added to Kingman High School to restrict access to certain areas posing a danger or security risk
- · Various small grants have been obtained to offset costs of improved safety and a $100,000 S3 Safe and Supportive Schools grant was obtained for both high schools to implement programs to improve school climate
- · Research-based educational anti-bullying and character education programs have been implemented in the elementary and middle schools
- · All employees go through a background check beyond the required KBI records check before being employed
- · All staff was required to get training in appropriate student-staff relationships and staff responsibilities in reporting any type of suspected child abuse at school or away from school
- Students receive personal safety awareness education from the local mental health association at two grades at the elementary level.
The above was not an all-inclusive list. Building level
faculty and staff meetings regularly address any number of issues to make sure
our students are safe at school. Administrators attend school events or a
teacher is placed in charge of the event and most athletic contests are attended
by local law enforcement to provide a safe environment.
The USD 331 Board of Education and staff will continue to
look at safety and security for our students. Safety can always be improved and
we will continue to consider means to improve safety for all district students,
staff and visitors.