"If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s,
we rob them of tomorrow." – John Dewey
It’s difficult to believe the famous educator, John Dewey
wrote those words of wisdom nearly a century ago. Think of all that has
happened around the world and the explosion of knowledge since that time. A
relatively short time ago, the teacher or professor was the “learned” one who
imparted his/her knowledge on his/her students. Great amounts of information
are now available on cell phones in an instant with almost instant access to a
plethora of subjects. Teachers today must facilitate the learning of students,
encourage the passion students have for learning and truly be life-long
learners themselves in order to be successful. If you are like me, you remember
that Columbus discovered America in 1492 when he sailed the ocean blue, but
were you asked the impact Columbus had on modern day civilization or to
investigate and report on his treatment of indigenous people of the new world?
Learning today must go beyond basic facts and apply information and use it in
creative and useful ways.
To prepare USD 331 students for the rapidly changing global
economy and truly say students have met Kansas College and Career Readiness
Standards requires teaching in new and engaging ways. It requires different
types of assessments and it requires critical thinking skills necessary to
discern quality information from bogus material. USD 331 will continue to
implement English Language Arts and mathematic curricular changes to meet the
new standards. Faculty will continue to learn and employ long-used and new,
research-based instructional techniques that actively engage our students, appropriately
challenge students’ critical thinking skills, promote creative abilities, and
lead to the college and career readiness skills students need for future
To do this, faculty and staff will continue their own
learning differentiating it to meet their individual needs so as to adequately
prepare them to facilitate their students’ learning. Secondary students will
have the opportunity to get much of their curriculum resources through an
online learning source known as Edgenuity. It is estimated textbooks will be
completely digitalized by 2017 and USD 331 is leading the way in providing
digital resources now in addition to traditional. Elementary students will
continue to use updated math and English Language Arts resources that promote
reading and problem solving skills and differentiates the learning to the
students’ needs. The teacher’s role is vital in helping students understand
student problems, personalizing learning, and assisting in the discernment of
the abundance of information now available instantly. USD 331, Kingman-Norwich
teachers and staff are ready to serve your students to the best of their
ability and look forward to the opportunity.
On behalf of the faculty and staff of USD 331, I want to
welcome all our students and their parents to the beginning of the 2013-2014
school year. I encourage parents to get
involved in your child’s education and take advantage of the opportunities
available. It is natural to approach any new school year with some anxiety, but
it is my hope we can also temper anxiety with a refreshed sense of dedication
to education and learning. It is my privilege to serve as your superintendent
and wish you all an outstanding year.