Monday, October 28, 2013

Setting the Record Straight on School Employees and Spending

A Report by Mark Tallman, Associate Executive Director of the Kansas Association of School Boards

Note by Bob Diepenbrock, Superintendent of Schools:

I’m sure many of you have heard radio and TV ads depicting Kansas Schools as failing to spend money in the classrooms while spending more on a number of other areas in schools and increasing expenditures as a whole. Mark Tallman and the research department at the Kansas Association of School Boards further explain how the expenditures of money in Kansas schools are spent and take into account much of what the ads do not. I encourage you to use the link below to access Mr. Tallman’s report and get the facts on how monies are spent in Kansas on education and if you have questions to contact me, the Kansas Association of School Boards or the Kansas State Department of Education. Mr. Tallman even has a number of links providing the sources of his reports.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Digital Citizenship Week in Kansas

Every day, our students are tested with each post, search chat, text message, file download and profile update. Do they connect with like minds or spill too much information? Do they behave creatively or borrow ideas recklessly? Do they respect relationships or inadvertently damage reputations?

The Kansas State Department of Education and USD 331 have made a commitment to support educators and parents in helping children learn how to be safe and secure, responsible and respectful digital citizens. Governor Sam Brownback has proclaimed Oct 21-25 as Digital Citizenship Week in Kansas.  The proclamation/announcement is available on . 

Join us for Digital Citizenship Week and engage your child and family in thinking critically, behaving safely, and participating responsibly online. For ways you can participate, click on the link below:

We want all students in USD 331 to utilize the internet for positive learning and to remain safe.