Sunday, June 15, 2014

Keep Your Kids Safe Online This Summer

The following comes from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
June 2014 Bulletin

Focus on Internet Safety This June
With kids out of school for the summer, it’s easy for parents and kids to shift their focus from education to fun. Parents want to make sure their kids are having fun and staying safe at the same time, and this should apply to all activities, from riding bikes to swimming to being online. Summer means kids will have more free time, which may mean more time on the computer. June is National Internet Safety Month, a time to reflect on our current online behavior and commit to being more responsible and safe online.
This June, the Stop.Think.Connect. Campaign encourages parents and educators to start an Internet safety dialogue with their children and students. Topics can include:
· How to practice online safety every day. Discuss clicking on links, talking to strangers, setting strong passwords, and how to avoid sharing too much personal information online.
· Being a good online citizen. Explain the importance of treating others online with respect and avoid saying or writing things online that you would not say in person.
· When to report suspicious people or activity. Encourage kids to talk to trusted adults when someone online is making them feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

Parents can take steps to ensure that the Internet is safer for their kids by setting up appropriate firewalls and safe searches and monitoring their kids’ Internet use. For more resources on how help your kids practice online safety, review Stop.Think.Connect.’s Resources for Parents and Educators, which includes a booklet on how to chat with your kids about being online.