NOTE: The following news release was written by KES Principal, Adrian Howie for release to the elementary parents. I felt it needed to be shared to the district.
Incoming Commissioner of Education Dr. Randy Watson will host “Kansas Children. Kansas’ Future” community conversations across the state to give Kansas residents the opportunity to answer the question, What is the future we want for our children and what role should education play in supporting that future?
Parents, educators, legislators, school board members, business community members and other interested parties are encouraged to attend. Your feedback will be used to help shape Kansas’ strategic plan for education.
While there are 13 opportunities to be a part of this event, the conversation will come to our area on:
Date: January 27
Location: School Service Center
Address: 3850 N. Hydraulic
City: Wichita, KS
Time: 1:00-3:00
Date: January 28
Location: ESSDACK
Address: 1500 E. 11th, Suite 200
City: Hutchinson, KS
Time: 1:00-3:00
The outcomes of these conversations will impact all schools in Kansas, including ours. As such, I encourage you to attend this important event and let your voice be heard.
For more information, please visit the Kansas State Department of Education website at