While there continues to be much debate about the tax increase approved by the 2017 Legislature, there has been little discussion about the benefits the tax increase will have for all Kansans when invested in K-12 education.
A new report by KASB shows that residents of states that invest more in public school education have higher education attainment and earn higher salaries. Those states with higher per pupil investment also experience lower unemployment and poverty rates. Here is a link to the report.
Previous KASB reports have shown that Kansas schools already use tax dollars efficiently as evidenced by the fact that despite ranking 31st in funding per pupil, the Kansas K-12 system outperforms the national average in nearly all student achievement measurements.
Generations of Kansans have invested in public schools and the results are higher levels of education and higher income levels. Continued improvement in our public school system is not a wish; in today’s world it is a necessity, according to studies that show 70 percent of jobs by 2020 will require some post-secondary completion.
The recent tax increase, which will result in an increased investment in our public schools, will pay dividends now and in the future by helping our students and economy grow, according to the KASB analysis.
For further information about the KASB analysis on the benefits of the increased K-12 investment, contact Mark Tallman, associate director for advocacy and communications.